Friday, April 25, 2014

Where are You Garlic?

Spring has finally arrived here in our area, the trees have finally 'turned green' in the last 2 days, there are blossoms, and flowers starting to appear. Which means it's time to get busy, spring cleaning inside and out. There's weeding and mulching to do, along with repotting flowers and planting bulbs.

Time to repot flowers!
I love warm spring days, where you can open the windows and let the fresh breeze in and even go outside without getting frostbit! This also means we can finally get our garden underway! Joy. We have flower beds as well as vegetable beds. Due to limited space and uneven terrain we are attempting to use a combination of raised beds and containers this year. Hopefully, we manage to get a decent crop for our efforts!

We started a garden last year, but had to leave as the growing season started when I was hospitalized unexpectedly. Unfortunately, most everything died out before we returned. I'm happy to report that the potatoes survived!

I had planted some garlic bulbs, in my first ever attempt to grow it. I hoped that like the potatoes they would do well left to their own devices. I also assumed that the instructions on the package were all I needed to know. I was wrong! Even though it assured me that if I planted it in the Spring that I would have garlic in the fall, all I managed to pull out of the ground was something that resembled a large green onion. :(

Garlic, Oh How I love Thee!
After some 'research', I learned that most people plant garlic in the fall and then harvest in the summer. So I took a chance and just stuck mine back in the ground last fall, in hopes that it would continue to grow. So far the signs are good, there is definite indications of life, but whether it will 'bear fruit' is something yet to be seen.

In the future, I am definitely doing more research before attempting to grow something new.

Here is a video about growing garlic that I found entertaining, erm... educational :)


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