Thursday, April 24, 2014

Messy Hands!

Since it's 'Throwback Thursday' I thought I'd share a story The Mom loves to tell. Well she probably has dozens of stories about me that she loves to tell. Recently, I read a blog post that reminded me of this particular one.

Messy Hands

As a child, (OK as an adult too) I hated touching things with my hands. Messy things. Gross things. It's horrible. Just recently, I made a meatloaf and I must have washed my hands 4 times before I finished. I'm sure it would have went faster if I had just mixed and washed, but I digress.

One of my favorite foods was chicken legs. They're great for kids; fun, good portion, and little hands can hold them well. Of course, when I picked it up my hand got greasy or sticky.... ewwww!!!!! So I held out my hand...

Mommy!! Wash my hand!!

Meanwhile, I had put the chicken... in my other hand! Then I realized...

This one's dirty too!

Back to the first hand...

Eventually to keep from having to stand by and continuously wash each hand as I swapped back and forth, she started wrapping a napkin or paper towel around the end so that I could hold it without actually touching it.While I don't remember doing this, I do remember eating chicken with paper towels around it.

Grammy Dirlam had a similar issue with a pickle, she found a great (and crafty) way to remedy this situation.

How to get out of a Pickle!

Do you have any messy kid stories?


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