Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Being a Pet Parent

We have 2 cats, and 4 recently acquired kittens. They are Cali 9, Acheron 3, Fagin, Charlie, Lilith, and Brittany 4 months. Most days they keep us busy and thoroughly entertained. Whenever I start to think about what it would be like to have children, I look around and realize that I already know.

I think the term "Pet Parent" couldn't be more accurate. I break up fights, nurse wounds, scold, and worry about these furry little hooligans. There's always someone who needs something, wants to be loved, needs a bath, has gotten themselves 'in a pickle.' I get woken up in the early mornings because someone is lonely, hungry, or wants to go outside. I have found myself fishing favorite toys from the recesses of the furniture or searching for 'lost cats' at 2 am.

Fagin helping me write this post.

Recently, a friend posted a status on facebook about how parents never go to the bathroom alone. She included a photo of one of her children, who was standing in the bathroom crying. I think of this when I'm in the bathroom... holding... literally... one of our kittens. He thinks he's cute. 

Last month, I fell down the steps while on a mission to rescue Ash, my 3 year old, who was 'trapped' under the car during a thunderstorm. Of course, the rain subsides as soon as I managed to pick myself up off the ground, and Ash decided to make a run for the door. Of course. 

Ash claiming the both cushions on the couch.

But I wouldn't change them for anything, life is definitely richer while they are around.


Unknown said...

Very cute! I was a pet parent before I became a human parent. My dogs were my babies before my babies were my babies lol. I had three dogs. My oldest, Morrison, passed away last year. Now our 13 year old golden retriever is nearing his own end. He became partially paralyzed about 3 weeks ago and has sort of become my baby again because I have to do everything for him. Our animals are definitely family and they offer us unconditional love like no human ever could!

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